A Little Bit of Very Cold Water

Day four in the saga of the inoperable community well.

So, I have a question for you: If a product is under warranty, how long should a customer have to wait for the company that installed it to honor the warranty?

Really, we haven't had water for four days. I'm getting desperate. I like camping, but I love my hot showers, clean dishes and laundry, toilets that flush. I love being able to water my plants at the drop of a hat. I love watching the birds in the clear water of their birdbath. Now, the company that installed the pump says they're busy until sometime in September. Warranty my ass.

Imagine a whole neighborhood not having water for three to seven weeks, a neighborhood with children. We might all be more susceptible to road rage and going postal. We might begin to look like, and smell like, the homeless. We might suffer insomnia, dry mouth, and piles.

For the past four days, I've been using any public toilet I can find. The library restroom is nice, but it doesn't have a shower. At work, it's harder because I know I can listen to someone inside peeing, so I don't feel as relaxed when I'm behind that same door. Being able to run water to wash my hands is great though. Most grocery stores have decent bathrooms, but I don't like the stockpiles of cheap toilet paper and paper towels. The bathroom at the laundromat was nice enough, but the toilet paper was cheap. At the vet's office, they offered to let me use their shower, but the clinic cat's litter box is in there. You know, it was too awkward to say yes because of the litter box.

For the past four days, I kept wishing there were public showers at parks I visit when I walked Teddy. Do you remember when you could go to a park and it had a bath house there? Or maybe I always went to beaches and lakes when I was a kid and they had to have a place to wash the sand and dirt out of a kid's butt crack before tossing them, exhausted, into the car at the end of the day.

Tomorrow, wouldn't it be nice not to have to hang the sun shower intended for camping in the tub instead? Wouldn't it be nice not to have to wash with a minimal amount of cold water? Wouldn't it be nice not to have to worry about running out of water before the soap is rinsed from arm pits and hair? And the sun hasn't been out all that much, so that pouch of water is cold.

Thank you for listening, jules