So many things in this world are such a mess right now that it's a wonder that everyone on the bus doesn't have their noses buried in a book about a kitten. Do you ever wonder why cats_of_instagram has 10.2 million followers? I don't. I know exactly why.
We need a break. We need to be drawn down the path of a story, something that will make us laugh, cry, and help us face the world when we turn the last page of the book.
Wouldn't you like to take a break from work and the news to follow a lumpy middle-aged woman into a room with a kitten that weighs just over a pound? If it were a battle, would you bet on the determined woman or the kitten? It may not exactly be a battle, but by the end, the woman lies face down on the floor and asks for reinforcements.
Two beings enter and only one leaves in one piece.