It’s been hard. Has it been hard for you?
I woke up early from a dream that I was surrounded by people who couldn’t see me and I couldn’t get back home to the people who could, the people who would. I dreamed of translucent glass walls, like funhouse mirrors, only cloudy and vague. It was awful, so closed-in and silent. I couldn’t even smell humanity.
And then I dreamed that there were millions of people in their walled-in dreams, waking to feel the same thing, millions of isolated people who didn’t feel like there was a soul who would see them, really see their loneliness. I dreamed I could soar away from my little room made of opaque glass with vague outlines of people on the other sides and look through all those opaque walls and see millions of lonely people sitting and wondering if anyone else ever felt they way they did when they listened to the blues.
I never knew. Did you? Did you know that there are millions of us who feel this same way? Is there any comfort in that?
I can come home. I really can. Can you?
Thank you for listening, jules