Call Your People

I went to bed after looking too long at the statistics and projections regarding the coronavirus. I feel like I’ve been watching the Twin Towers collapse over and over. It hasn’t maxed out yet. It’s going to be grim. I’m having trouble getting my head around it.

So, I made a list of my people, the people I love and the people who love me. Sometimes those people annoy me, but I love them anyway. I hope I don’t annoy them in return. I miss my people. I do.

I keep thinking that not all of my people will still be around when I go back out into the world to see them. Out of about a hundred, I’m going to lose a few. I keep thinking that I might never see my mother again.

I keep thinking of more people to add to my list of people I love.

I need to go listen to some people sing. I need to look at kid videos and kitten pictures. I need to see bad paintings. I need to talk to more of my people on the phone. I’ve got a wad of gum in my mouth right now and I’ve chewed every bit of flavor out of it.

Go call your people.

Thank you for listening, jules